Sisu Lab
Sisu is an ancient Finnish word for determination and courage in the face of adversity. However, sisu is also an entire life philosophy and a path to refine one’s character. Sisu Lab podcast is where we unearth and explore inner fortitude in its higher expression to become more focused, courageous, loving, and free. Join your host, Emilia Elisabet Lahti, PhD, the author of Gentle Power: A Revolution in How We Think, Lead and Succeed Using the Finnish Art of Sisu for an inquiry into inner fortitude through a combination of research, stories, and practice. Elisabet has pioneered the research into the ancient construct of sisu since 2012 and has completed several endurance feats in her personal quest for a deeper insight into inner fortitude. This podcast is her spoken diary that entails an invitation to get up and close with your own sisu.You can find information about Elisabet, her books, and links to research at www.sisulab.com. Welcome to walk the way of gentle power!
Sisu Lab
Sacred Grief, Dragons by the Temple, and the Gift of Slowing Down
Dear sisu pilgrim, I hope you are well and held by all the courage ands compassion that makes up your unique you. This episode is a slowing down to feel into...grief; a recognition of that something gentle and sometimes heavy within us, buried deep into the cellular wombs of our experiences and too often bypassed by constant doing and going. I share some of my favourite poems and introduce the concept of "edge emotions" by Drs. Kaisu Mälkki and Larry Green.
For those in the woods right now: love is the medicine and sisu is your companion. Keep on going.
“…let happy memories sustain you if your strength fails you, they are always there, and their current does not run backwards, even across foggy country it floats toward the future.” Selected Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke
C. S. Lewis: A Grief Observed
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth | Ep. 1: 'The Hero’s Adventure' (a highest recommendation for the entire interview series)
Jean-Luc Marion: Being Given - Toward a Phenomenology of Givenness
The Impact of Grief on Humans at Work with George Kohlrieser on Human Leaders Podcast with Alexis and Sally
... and one of my personal go-to videos that in times of sadness and depression has allowed me to gently shift my perspective toward an orientation of light. Thus, open to the miracle of life in the moment:
The Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson
With sisu and love, E. E.
Sisu is a reserve of inner strength but it's also a way for us to know ourselves and impact the world in a positive way. Cultivating these reserves of inner strength starts with self-care and continues through self-inquiry. its power then extends to the world through our inspired acts of deep courage and compassion.
Thanks for tuning in! You can find out more about sisu, find links to research, and check out Gentle Power: A Revolution in How We Think, Lead, and Succeed Using the Finnish Art of Sisu at www.sisulab.com.
Sisu is great, love is greatness.