Sisu Lab
Sisu is an ancient Finnish word for determination and courage in the face of adversity. However, sisu is also an entire life philosophy and a path to refine one’s character. Sisu Lab podcast is where we unearth and explore inner fortitude in its higher expression to become more focused, courageous, loving, and free. Join your host, Emilia Elisabet Lahti, PhD, the author of Gentle Power: A Revolution in How We Think, Lead and Succeed Using the Finnish Art of Sisu for an inquiry into inner fortitude through a combination of research, stories, and practice. Elisabet has pioneered the research into the ancient construct of sisu since 2012 and has completed several endurance feats in her personal quest for a deeper insight into inner fortitude. This podcast is her spoken diary that entails an invitation to get up and close with your own sisu.You can find information about Elisabet, her books, and links to research at www.sisulab.com. Welcome to walk the way of gentle power!
Exploring the gifts of blending masculine and feminine energy: Performance coach Monique Borst on leading from within

The neuroscience of manifestation: Dr. James Doty on the foundations of fortitude, compassion, and a more graceful existence

Endurance from inside out: Dr. Phil Maffetone on optimal performance and building a healthy planet

Sovereignty and calm power with Dr. Emma Seppälä

Systems Intelligence: Path to Sisu as Heart and Leadership in Tough Times

The Lore of Life Force: Words and Constructs Around the Breath of Being

Constructive Sisu and the Perils of Mindless Sisu

Sisu and Managing the Uphills + NEW tune!

Sacred Grief, Dragons by the Temple, and the Gift of Slowing Down

Sisu Meditation for Challenging Times

Superordinate Purpose and the Sisu In-Between Our Hearts

The Sphere of Life Force & Getting Constructively Uncomfortable

Know Your Sisu: Track Your Patterns and Prepare

A Beginning of a Sisu Journey: Stories of Sisu